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General Details

  • Official Name:  National Waste Management Directorate of the National Inspectorate for Environment and Nature
  • Short Name: NWMD
  • Address: 1016 Budapest, Mészáros street 58/A
  • Post Office Box: 1380 Budapest Pf. 1172
  • Tax number: 15597779-2-41
  • EU VAT number: HU15597779
  • Bank Account Number: 10032000-00287261-00000000
  • The National Waste Management Directorate is a public coordinating body whose main obligation is to ensure transparent, predictable, traceable and accountable waste management system in Hungary. The frames of its activities are determined by legislations covering the management of collection, treatment and recycling of municipal solid waste, industrial and commercial waste generated from products under product fee obligation.
  • Director:  Lajos Búsi
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.